Celebration Circles


A milestone such as the transition from maiden-to-mother, bride-to-be or a significant birthday, is a beautiful opportunity to host a women's circle, co-created and guided by a facilitator, to celebrate and honour this time with your chosen attendees.

The circle is a safe and supportive space where participants can feel seen, heard, and validated in their experiences and challenges, while also receiving guidance and support from other women. Throughout the circle, participants are encouraged to listen deeply, share authentically, and practice empathy and compassion towards themselves and others. 

The circle is led by a facilitator who creates a structured and intentional space, perfectly curated based on the wishes of the host.

Bride-to-be Circles

A bride-to-be circle is a unique experience to celebrate and support the transition of the bride-to-be into this next chapter of her life. It is a safe and supportive space where the host and participants can come together to reflect, and share their experiences and wisdom related to their own experience. 

Maiden-to-mother Circles

Our women's circle for the maiden-to-mother is a special and nurturing space designed to honour and celebrate the journey of pregnancy and support the mother-to-be's transition to motherhood.

Birthday Circles

A women's birthday circle is a unique and empowering experience designed to honour the journey of the host, reflect on learnings from the year that's gone and share wisdom for her year ahead. The group is guided through a series of activities and discussions designed to support the host in exploring her hopes, dreams, and intentions for the next chapter of her life.

Here are some ideas of what celebration circles can involve:

1. Setting intentions: The circle may begin with an opening ritual or meditation to set intentions for the session and create a sacred space for connection and empowerment. The facilitator may ask the host to explore their feelings, hopes, and fears related to entering this exciting new stage of their life. The circle may also begin with an opening ritual or meditation to set intentions for the session and create a sacred space for connection and empowerment. 

2. Guided meditation or ritual: The facilitator may lead the group through a guided ritual to help participants connect with their inner wisdom and intuition and create a supportive and nurturing energy for the circle. This may include a guided meditation, sound bath, cacao ceremony, journalling or other activities that encourage introspection and self-awareness.

3. Guided discussion: The facilitator may lead a discussion for the participants to share any insights, wisdom and hopes for the host.

4. Blessing ceremony: The circle may include a blessing ceremony to honour the host, where participants offer words of love, encouragement, and support.

5. Celebrations: The circle may include special rituals or celebrations that honour the host’s journey and mark this milestone in a meaningful way. This may include dancing, sharing a special meal or guiding her through a tunnel made up of the arms of the participants.

6. Closing ritual: The circle may end with a closing ritual or meditation to help participants integrate their insights and experiences and leave feeling grounded and supported. The circle may end with a closing ritual or meditation, where participants are invited to integrate their insights and experiences and set intentions for the next chapter of their lives.

Overall, participants can expect to be held in a warm and nurturing space, where they can connect over and celebrate this special celebration for the host in a meaningful way. The circle is a place of joy, support, and community, where participants can deepen their connections to others, and gain clarity & insight into their own journey. They may leave the circle feeling inspired, empowered, and more connected to themselves and others.

Prices start at $222 (dependant of group size and location)

Circle runs approximately for 2 - 2.5 hours.

Email your enquiry to sidebysidecircles@gmail.com.