Women's Circles

Click here to book a space in one of our upcoming Women's Circles.

Our women's circles are a welcoming and supportive space where women can come together to connect, reflect, and grow in community. Each circle is roughly 1.5-2 hours long and is facilitated by a guide who creates a safe and sacred space for exploration and learning.

During each circle, participants can expect to engage in a variety of activities and discussions, which may include:

1. Introductions: The circle may begin with an opportunity for participants to introduce themselves and share a little bit about why they have come to the circle.

2. Guided meditation or ritual: The facilitator may lead the group through a guided meditation or ritual to help participants ground and connect with themselves and the group. This may also include cacao ceremonies or sound baths. 

3. Group discussion: Participants may engage in sharing any insights and wisdom on a specific topic as guided by the facilitator.  

4. Creative expression: The circle may include opportunities for creative expression, such as journaling, art-making, or movement, to help participants tap into their intuition and inner wisdom.

5. Closing ritual: The circle may end with a closing ritual or meditation to help participants integrate their insights and experiences and leave feeling grounded and inspired.

Overall, participants can expect to be held in a supportive and non-judgmental space, where they can connect with other women in a meaningful way. The circle is a place of growth, healing, and community, where participants can deepen their self-awareness and find the courage and clarity to live their best lives.

Circles run approximately for 1.5-2 hours.

If you would like a women's circle at your next event, please submit a 'contact us' form, as we would be honoured to host this for you.

Click here to book a space in one of our upcoming Women's Circles.